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Our Latest Posts

The Fascinating Garra Rufa Fish: Origin, Care, and Unique Uses

Embark on a journey into the world of the Garra Rufa fish, a fascinating species with a rich history and unique characteristics.

Tanganyika Cichlids: A Colorful Addition to Your Aquarium

The Benefits of Keeping Tanganyika Cichlids: How These Fish Can Enhance Your Aquarium and Your Well-Being

Neothauma Shell: A Rare and Valuable Shell for Aquarium Hobbyists

The Neothauma tanganyicense is a species of freshwater snail endemic to Lake Tanganyika. What makes these shells so intriguing is their peculiar appearance.

Tanganyika Lake: The Blue Heart of Africa

"For me, one of the happiest moments in life is the...

Rabbit Snail Care: Everything You Need to Know

Unlike small, shy, and plain-looking aquatic snails, Rabbit Snail is big, curious, and social.

Lamprologus Speciosus: a Fearless Shell Dwelling Warrior

Lamprologus Speciosus is a species of cichlid that lives in the southwestern...

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